MC Coaching
Week 106 - Never satisfied
"He will never be satisfied
I will never be satisfied"
(Lin Manuel Miranda)​
Don't worry, if you often feel like permanent satisfaction is beyond your reach, according to Eyal, dissatisfaction is normal due to four psychological factors:
1. Boredom- We typically get bored and look for alternative stimulation.
2. Negativity bias- We are hardwired to search for negativity and it rests longer in the mind.
3. Rumination- We are destined to continuously reflect on unfortunate events.
4. Hedonic adaptation- We have a baseline level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction that we constantly return to.
Question(s): How do you feel about sitting with some dissatisfaction and discomfort?
Action: Take note of times when you are dissatisfied this week. If possible, try and draw a connection with 1 - 4 above.