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Week 99 - 10 minute rule

10 minute rule.jpeg

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” (Frankl)​


In his book, Indistractable, Eyal tries to provide an approach to avoiding acting on perceived negative impulses. If you're looking to commit to stopping a habit, he suggests acknowledging the desire to engage in the habit (e.g. grab a tv snack) and then agreeing with yourself to wait ten minutes before acting. Eyal argues that the creation of this gap can be enough to provide the desired result.


Question(s): How do you feel about giving time between a trigger and a response?


Action: Experiment with saying the following to yourself, "It's fine to give in, but not right now. I have to wait just ten minutes." (Eyal)

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